13 December 2012

Christmas- my personal meaning

The festival season has started, at least in the Western hemisphere!! A flurry of activity is seen everywhere around me. I love seeing the lights, warm, spicy smells coming from the cafes, shops offering warm waffles, and the spicy drink. Even the cold somehow seems to be welcoming. From childhood we are shown pictures of snowmen and snowflakes, singing carols about sleighing in the snow. Even in India, I actually remember sitting in a hot classroom, with temperatures almost 30 deg C and making a Christmas card with a snow man made of cotton..... And of course remember the all time famous song by Bing Crosby - 'I'm dreaming of a White Christmas'?

But I digress. I said I loved Christmas. Perhaps that is not entirely true. I don't like buying presents, I don't like cutting up a tree (even if another one is planted in its place). I don't like all the over eating and then dieting roller-coaster. I don't buy into the concept that "when in Rome, do as the Romans do". My children have learnt that if they want to give presents, they had to make them themselves. They were allowed to give, but please don't bring home another angel figurine or a bubble bath that none of us will ever use! 

So, what do I love about Christmas? To tell you the truth - its an image I have. An expectation, if you will. And all because of a story that I was told by a kind-hearted nun in Ireland. 

Here is the story, perhaps she told it another way, but this is just the gist of it:

"This day, a child was born. He was to be a King among men. He was to be the son of God. He was blessed. But his birth was humble, it was in a stable, alone was his Mother, having no place to stay for the night. 

Light came however. And she was no longer alone. So, just as it was for Mother Mary, it is the same for so many people even today. No one should be lonely or hungry this day, at least on the day when a King is born.

Light a candle, place it by your window. Remember that today, when it is cold, and dark, there is still light. Let no one, young or old be alone. At least for this one night let the lonely, hungry and alone know there is light, your home warm and welcoming. Christmas is sharing of this light. 

And you don't have to be a Christian to share your kindness with others less fortunate."

And that to me, my friends, is Christmas. I felt the message in my heart and from that time onward, I still light a candle and place it by my window for the world to see that they are not alone. I make extra food - just in case. I tell the story of Christ's birth to my children, just as I tell the stories of Rama and Krishna. It is time to reflect and think about more than oneself. Every year, I wait in mild excitement - will some one who needs help knock on my door?

Enjoy the season! This season of giving. I only wish we had the same sprite all the year around :-)

What personal Christmas experiences would you like to share? I hope to hear them. Please feel free to tell me.

Love and Peace, dear friends.....

A few cards made by my younger daughter for her friends and teachers :)


1 comment:

  1. Nice Prasantha, and that nun told you the right thing about Christmas. It is giving and sharing that really counts. Also for me personally staying so far away from family and near ones - all that goes around is needed to keep my spirits up during the cold dark winter days and catching up with friends and enjoying times together is always fun :-).
