Showing posts with label season. Show all posts
Showing posts with label season. Show all posts

12 February 2015

What is happiness?

This year, I want to look within myself. To see what it is that makes us happy. And does happiness bring with it contentment? I feel that we depend more and more on external factors to make us happy - like if I get that raise, I'll be happy, it I can buy that house, I'll be happy or even something as simple as - if I lose 10 kgs, I'll be happy. 

Happiness seems to be linked with something, often, something that is not directly connected to our contentment or rather I should say our inner contentment. Happiness is expressed through the external although we laugh, we sing, we smile, we are generous and so on when when are happy. We want to share it with the world. 

So if happiness is an internal emotion that we must find in our own minds, hearts and souls, why do we strive so much to show it externally? 

Or have I misunderstood the whole concept? 

This year, my aim is to find out what makes me happy. Am I defined by making others happy? Is that who I am? What makes me happy? Just looking at a beautiful sunset? Or a flower that will fade away? Or the majestic mountains that will not fade away for at least another million years? Are they all not external sources of happiness? Just like a new television. Or a new phone? Or some jewelry??? Makes me smile - it's the season of gifts and I find that all I want is peace. Peace in my heart. In my soul and in my mind. Peace in the world. A peace that has no boundaries and a peace that brings us together - not tear us apart. But will this peace bring me happiness? Or will I want more? 

Please share your thoughts with me...... 

Love and peace - my friends
